
Pilottitutkimus tukee asiakaskokemuksia: Niskanvenytin tuo helpotusta päänsärkyyn

Pilot study supports customer experiences: Neck...

Our Atlas Care neck stretcher has been supported by a pilot study conducted as a physiotherapist's thesis to investigate the effects of the device in managing headaches and migraines. The...

Pilot study supports customer experiences: Neck...

Our Atlas Care neck stretcher has been supported by a pilot study conducted as a physiotherapist's thesis to investigate the effects of the device in managing headaches and migraines. The...

Opinnäytetyö tukee Atlas Care -niskanvenyttimen turvallisuutta

Thesis supports the safety of the Atlas Care ne...

The safe use of the Atlas Care neck stretcher has been evaluated in a physiotherapist's thesis, resulting in a clear user guide. The work is based on an extensive literature...

Thesis supports the safety of the Atlas Care ne...

The safe use of the Atlas Care neck stretcher has been evaluated in a physiotherapist's thesis, resulting in a clear user guide. The work is based on an extensive literature...

Atlas Care -niskanvenytin etenee Tuottava Idea -kilpailun finaaliin!

The Atlas Care neck stretcher advances to the f...

We are proud and excited to say that the Atlas Care neck stretcher has reached a significant milestone: our device has been selected for the finals of the Youth Chamber...

The Atlas Care neck stretcher advances to the f...

We are proud and excited to say that the Atlas Care neck stretcher has reached a significant milestone: our device has been selected for the finals of the Youth Chamber...

Atlas Care -niskanvenytin nyt saatavilla apteekeista!

Atlas Care neck stretcher now available in phar...

From September 2024, the Atlas Care neck stretcher will be available in pharmacies across Finland! This is a big step for us, and we are very excited that more and...

Atlas Care neck stretcher now available in phar...

From September 2024, the Atlas Care neck stretcher will be available in pharmacies across Finland! This is a big step for us, and we are very excited that more and...